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Monday, 3 August 2009

The HRD is now leaving the building

In the morning I wake up. I shave, I shower. I put on a nice suit and a nice shirt made to my size. I wear cuff links that match and cologne that I'm given.

My hair is cropped, my skin soft.

I travel to work on the 6.52 train with my Blackberry and my iPod. I catch the tube.

I go to my corner office where I have a lovely view of London. An Assistant. Respect (most of the time). A good career. A great career.

I make decisions, I sit in meetings. I influence. I lead.

On Wednesday morning at 11.20 I am getting on a plane. A plane to Nimes.

For the following two weeks I will be running in the hills of the Ardeche. I will be hiking up the biggest, swimming down the rivers, kayaking the white water.

I will be wearing shorts and t-shirts, a rucksack with my gear. I won't have shaved, I will smell like a baboon's underpants. I'll be sun burnt and weathered. I'll be battered and bruised.

For two weeks, I will be me. The person that I really am.

I'll be back though. You can count on that.

The HRD is now leaving the building.


Sayya26 said...

oh wow...well best of luck then and have a hell of time!

teresahrgirl said...

We, your faithful readers, are very glad that you are taking vacation!!! Have a wonderful time.

Henry Berry said...

For all your wonderful blogs .............. hank you ver' much

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful holiday!

teresahrgirl said...

DUDE!! It's been three weeks!!! Aren't you back yet??? Are you even coming back???