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Monday, 2 November 2009

Bah humbug

Refreshed from a week of walking and climbing (and drinking) in and around Hadrian's Wall, I should be in better spirit. But once again the dark powers of the evil twin Gods "Doom and Gloom" have conspired to make me want to take arms against the world and beat them to death with an over ripe pumpkin before shoving a plastic glow-in-the-dark skeleton, somewhere REALLY dark.

Let us be clear.

It is not Christmas. It is November. And only just November at that.

Therefore I do not want to return to an inbox of drinks and lunch invites (yep....still no PA).

I am not interested in Marvin the Magnificent and his Magical M*********ing Montage - available at improved rates - yep, no surprise there!

And as for "we need to communicate the Christmas working hours, so people can confirm their plans".......

Work. That's what their plan should be. Work and then stop. On 24th December.

Bah Humbug.......


Henry Berry said...

Quite agree, HRD. And even when you get there, Christmas isn't about Christmas any more, but a panegyric to the High Street. I suggest we lose ourselves in a boozy lunch. Call to claim yours. I shall prepare my own amazing montage.

Sayya26 said...

i know- it's sooo annoying! we've JUST started November an already there's the Christmas hype. Pretty soon employees are going to start asking me when we're closing (we close for 2 weeks at the end of the year) but they ask incessantly (and this will start soon I bet)....

Bah humbug indeed...

Anonymous said...

No disrespect, but you don't have your 2009 calendar worked out at the beginning of the year?

Anonymous said...

Grinches! The lot of you!

Sayya26 said...

We have a schedule- it's subject to change though depending on how much work we have nearing the end of the year. Sometimes employees have to take their leave in shifts and we have to decide who is needed when etc.

HRD said...

@HB - I'm always up for a boozy lunch

@Sayya - Sounds familiar

@Class-factotum - We have it planned to but it is more the matter of communication. We wouldn't communicate the Christmas party in October either.

@Anonymous - Don't get me wrong, I like Christmas. At Christmas time.

Anonymous said...

Oh -- I thought you meant the holiday schedule, as in these are the days we will be closed in 2009, but I agree, you don't announce the parties months in advance. I am not a big fan office parties anyhow. I'd rather have a day off than have to attend a work party on a Saturday. Or even on a workday.